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How Can You Protect Your Home From Water Damage Before the Rainy Season?
By: Amit Hadad
January 5th 2021: 2 min read
Cleaning your Gutters
Although you might only consider gutter cleaning necessary once or twice a year, your home can really benefit from a monthly gutter cleaning.
Pushing Rain Runoff Away from the Foundation
Keep rainwater flowing away from your home with downspout extensions. Doing so can help water from infiltrating through foundation cracks and getting into your basement.
Maintaining Your Sump Pump
A key way to prevent expensive water damage is to be sure that your sump pump is operating correctly. Mark your calendar and inspect your sump pump.
Inspecting Your Home For Water Leaks
By checking in frequently with your home’s plumbing lines, you’ll be better able to locate water leak issues as they surface. Many times, the key to preventing water damage is to catch it early where a nominal repair can save from a major expense.
Taking A Close Look At Your Roof
One way that big water damage issues occur to homes is through the roof. By monitoring and replacing loose shingles, you’ll help to prevent water damage to your roof that can sometimes go unnoticed
Insulating Windows and Balcony Doors
Insulating windows and balcony doors can not only help prevent cold from getting in, but it also avoids any leaks that can penetrate through the walls in a rainy season. One solution is to seal drafts with weather-stripping providing an energy save solution with an average of 10 percent on year round energy cost.

Waterproofing Experts’ Designs and Builds Below Grade Water Table and Methane Gas
By: Amit Hadad
September 10th 2020: 2 min read
Waterproofing Experts can provide design services for Owners, Architects, and Contractors for below grade structures. Our expertise include methane gas and high level water tables that can safeguard the entire foundation. In many cities, developers are contending with limited lot sizes by creating extended basements or other below grade spaces built deep in the ground. It’s common to see multi-level parking garages or mixed use spaces several basements deep. In these situations, it’s prudent to apply high performing waterproofing systems to combat the great external pressures on the foundation and aggressive soil conditions that can easily lead to water infiltration and corrosion.

Waterproofing Experts Designs and Installs Metal Panels
By: Amit Hadad
April 30th 2020: 2 min read
Waterproofing Experts is excited to announce its service for the design and installation of architectural panels, for walls, ceilings and roof assemblies. We offer both design and installation for the commercial and residential industry; with our in-house metal trim forming capabilities, for quick turnarounds to keep the projects on schedule and on budget.

Waterproofing Experts complete the Metro Line Subway project in San Francisco
By: Amit Hadad
Feb 1st 2020 : 2 min read
The Central Subway Project will improve public transportation in San Francisco by extending the Muni Metro T Third Line through SoMa, Union Square and Chinatown. By providing a direct, rapid transit link between downtown and the existing T Third Line route on 3rd Street, the Central Subway will vastly improve transportation to and from some of the city’s busiest, most densely populated areas.